Winter Desert Flower Container Garden – Easy Care Design

One color ez-care wintr desert pot filled with a Star Jasmine vine, Pansies and Alyssum

1 Color EZ Design for a Desert Winter Pot This winter desert pot design is labeled as an easy-care combination because it has three characteristics. “Leave-In Perennial The vine, Star Jasmine can remain in this pot for years, saving you money and time when you don’t have to replace it each season. “Many Options Color” You…

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Canna – A Recipe for your Jumbo Summer Pots

A combination planting featuring Canna

My Love Affair with Canna I’m amazed at the grandeur of Cannas in our summer pots. As I look at photos that I have taken over the years, I smile at the results of successful plantings. I am proud to provide you with a Canna Recipe that you can put in your diary to plant…

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Euonymus in Silver and Gold

A Potted Desert Recipe

Perfect Plant for Year-Round Pots in the Desert If you have been around me much at all, you have heard me talk about Euonymus shrubs. With 175 species, there are many to choose from but here in our desert pots, I stick to my favorite two. The “Silver King” Euonymus and the “Golden” Euonymus. Cold…

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